Serving Christians Seeking to Live a Holy Life

This site contains articles for Christian living, weekly letters, and Bible commentaries relating to living theology. Correct theology as revealed in the Holy Bible is indeed living and meant to be lived. The author is Dr. Leon Combs (Ph.D. in Chemical Physics, M.A. in theology, M.Div.) whose spiritual resume can be accessed at the left. His theology is classified as "reformed" but the material is not meant to be denominational. He has recently published a book concerning a possible future for the church that has become totally transformed by the world's standards. It is available from Amazon and from Barnes and Noble. Information about the book is contained at A Search for Reality .

Click on Carol's name to go to a second site containing Bible articles and courses written by Carol Combs

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       Web Author: Dr. Leon L. Combs
       Copyright �2001 by Dr. Leon L. Combs - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED